Here’s a little something I’ve learned about success along the way…

A. You need to be willing to be the ODD ONE in the room.
B. You need to do things DIFFERENTLY then 99% of all other people.
C. You need to be willing to make people UNCOMFORTABLE, that's right, 
UN-FREAKIN-COMFORTABLE and challenge assumptions about how to go 
about creating success in your own life. 
D. Sometimes you need to SHUT-UP and NOT tell your latest 
fantabulous idea to those that would NOT be able to fully 
E. You need to be willing to CREATE YOUR OWN CULTURE.... 
and not fall too deeply into anyone else's culture. 
F. You need to make your MUSIC or SERVICES sound 
DIFFERENT then anyone else's, to really be stand out.
G. You need to be O.K. with people NOT LIKING YOU 
because you challenge their PARADIGM (their view of reality).
Cheers to your success.... Stand Out, Be Brave... and Prosper!
